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I just found this story: https://www.cleveland19.com/2023/07/21/group-akron-teens-wanted-assault-robbery/ This group is of what appears to be Black teen boys attacking a 12 year old at Johnston and Hammel St. in Akron. This is the area I spend most of my time with the homeless community. The 19 News video interviews a senior man who was hit in the head with a brick, thrown off his scooter and left in the middle of the road. He thinks it might be the same group. I believe nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything is connected to everything. This isn't "bad kids." This isn't "dads needing to step up." This is a trash compactor we call American Cities. It's squeezing people of all ages. And it's been especially bad since Bill Clinton gave all our good jobs away to the lowest bidders in any other country that wanted them. (NAFTA’s birth was bi-partisan—conceived by Ronald Reagan, negotiated by George Bush I, and pushed through the US Congress by Bill Clinton in alliance with Congressional Republicans and corporate lobbyists.) Every president up through Barack Obama sold us out with these international trade agreements. But this is just 30 years in a 400 year pressure cooker for Black boys and men. And now I believe the plan in America is to gut the middle class. I'm seeing more and more people say they can barely make ends meet while making over $80,000/year. The cost of housing is not sustainable. But (white) Americans will say cruel, Hitler-esque things about what they think should happen to these teens. They blame the victim and give a free pass to the country that has screwed everyone ALL ALONG THE WAY except for land-owning white men. It's a perfect system where they pit all of us down here in the dirt against each other while they make fun of us on their yachts.